today i need to remind myself of the richness of my life and list some gratitude
15 things i am thankful for today:
1.* my daughters who were the sweetest to me yesterday as i lay in bed poorly
2.* a warm sweet cup of tea made and brought to me in bed by my eldest girl
3.* a morning time snuggle with my youngest girl
4.* my beau who disposed of the dead mouse that our cat brought in last night
5.* the creativity of my girls: they are writing a halloween play and it is very good with stage directions added and all. i have been given the two roles of mama and witch! ha ha this made me smile
6.* a husband who works hard for us which enables me to spend much of my time looking after the needs of our girls and pursing my creativity
7.* a surprise royalty cheque which arrived yesterday: much needed as this will pay for our cooker
8.* the first sale in my sweetmyrtle shop, thanks helen x
9.* my sight ; after my blinding migraine yesterday when most of the day was spent in a darkened room i got to thinking about this and about how much we take sight for granted. when my head cleared later in the day i was so happy to be able to read.
10.* my girls excitement about halloween; they are planning a halloween party
11.* our home : cluttered and untidy as it is we have warmth, light, shelter and a place to be together
12.* our garden; having a place to sow seed, grow vegetables, flowers, fruit and herbs. a place toplay, learn to understand the gentle balance of life, observe bumbles, spiders and other creatures. our litle piece of heaven, for this i am hugely grateful.
13.* friends near and far, old and new, real and virtual who share kindness and enrich my life.
14.* my parents who have always given so much and never judged. they are kind, giving, selfless good people and i am so grateful that they are in our lives.
15.* that my girls are true sisters and are arguing just now... as it should be from time to time!
what is on your gratitude list today?
lovely post.. hope you are feeling better and the me-grain (eating wheat?) has cleared.. today I am grateful for free time, a day off where I headed into town, browsed the shops, went to an art exhibition and met my mum for coffee and lunch... bliss after the last few weeks - then home to a cuppa tea with N infront of a real fire. xxx
Posted by: caireen | October 29, 2010 at 16:59
I am grateful for colleagues who make me laugh. It is the best possible reason to go to work.
I am so sorry to hear about the miserable migraine and hope that you have chased it away today.
Posted by: Alice C | October 29, 2010 at 18:15
I hope you are well now Ginny. Funny you should do this gratitude post as I hadn't written in my gratitude journal for a couple of weeks. I started writing in it again last night. I think more than anything I am grateful for 'normality'. A gentle day without drama, quietly pottering about and just being healthy and alive!!! x
Posted by: simone | October 29, 2010 at 19:05
hope you are feeling better... i was having one of those days ..until now..gratitude is contagious
Posted by: elk | October 29, 2010 at 22:19
hope you are fully recovered. this post is a lovely reminder of showing gratitude. I'm grateful for the sun shining through the trees and turning them into glowing bronze jewels.
Posted by: driftwood | October 30, 2010 at 09:27
Glad to read that you are feeling better Ginny.
My list would include the soft autumn light and the smell of woodsmoke ~ I love this season.
Have a lovely weekend,
Marie x
Posted by: Wild Rose | October 30, 2010 at 11:31
Beautiful list, Ginny... and so glad you're doing better! :o) I am thankful for so much. Today, at this moment, I'm glad to have had time for my yoga practice before getting on with a full afternoon, a package in the mail from a friend, sunshine after a weekend of rain, my husband, family, friends and our cat-boy. :o) Happy Days ((HUGS))
Posted by: Tracy | November 01, 2010 at 11:55
That is the wonderful thing about a gratitude list - the more you think the more there is to add to your list! Glad you are feeling better...:D
Posted by: Mousy Brown | November 02, 2010 at 17:13