after lots of procrastinating i am now seriously launching my sweetmyrtle site
i have had this site for ages but for some reason i have not really got my act together to add my creations. i also have shied away from directing people there too but all that is about to change.
i have decided that i will slowly add the items that i love to make and eventually some of my favourite photos too.
if you pop over you will find some of my recycled paper and felt necklaces and i have now added some of the flower brooches i shared with you earlier in the week.
i would really appreciate some feedback on how it looks and whether it is easy to browse. i have also made each price inclusive so there is no postage to pay for uk purchases. could you tell me if that is obvious to the viewer or should i make that clearer? thank you in advance for your support on this.
the web package i purchased is a very basic one so it does has many frustrating limitations, especially colours and text not changing when i try and change them, but it is easy to add items and to create a wee shop.
I also wanted to say thank you for the lovely comments these past days and welcome to new friends who have stopped by.
and remember to let me now if you are noticing oranges this week and i will do an end of week round up on this wonderfully happy colour x
p.s. i also have two headers for the sweetmyrtle site (old to me now) I am thinking of changing it or coming up with a new one. what do you think?
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